I am with you, Joe... I am always observing how non-JWs deal with, react to life, and I agree... Everyone must use their experiences to grow and learn...
Thank you for your outside perspective!
ignorance really is bliss and reality is harsh.
just having a bad, emotional day i suppose.
I am with you, Joe... I am always observing how non-JWs deal with, react to life, and I agree... Everyone must use their experiences to grow and learn...
Thank you for your outside perspective!
does anyone else feel 'pulled back in' at this time of year?.
i still consider myself to a believer, believe in god and jesus christ, on the whole i think he taught tolerance, love, acceptance and i think we can benefit from following his example.
i love ray franzs book in search of christian freedom.
Hi TorninTwo.... My husband felt like you the first year we left...He had to go... just to see..... He did not believe it to be the truth, but something, something, drew him.... I went with him, as an observer... Kind of interesting to watch as a 'nonbeliever'...
We went to a congregation that was not "ours" that we had helped build, so some people may have recognized us.... We entered "late"... as in just before the song..... We listened to the meaningless, repetitive talk, and watched the wine go by.... then the bread.... (or is it the other way round?)
But, to sit there and listen and realize.... Jesus did not say you had to "go to a Kingdom Hall" to remember him", and that if you did "celebrate" (does the Bible say 'Celebrate" or is the WT just trying to make JWs feel like they get tot 'celebrate' something???) at home, with your family "you are not remembering him" and "only those going nto heaaven should partake"...... Jesus did not have all those caveats, did he?
Maybe you can just go down close to the K Hall, sit in your car, close enough to observe, and look at how everyone is dressed.... They are thinking about how their brand new "memorial" clothes look.... and perhaps, "whose house they will go to afterwards" for refreshments.
The "memorial of Christ's death'?
sri lanka has only one convention hall which is situated at 44, agaraduguru mawatha,ekala,ja-ela wp.
this was built on some where around 1990's.
now the sri lanka branch committee has decided to sale the property.what is the reason behind this??????????????
Welcome Sanath, and thank you for the update... It seems that there are things going on in the background with the GB and the WT that we shall have to wait and see...... like the end of a very mysterious movie.
"The small one has not become a mighty nation"... has it?
As they say in my country, "FAIL!"
(that is, doubts).
in margaret atwood's "the handmaid's tale", a futuristic story of life inside a repressive, abusive big brother-style society tightly controlled by religious fundamentalists, there's a passage in which the protagonist is alone with another woman at a state-controlled centre where prayers are generated -- then printed out and read out -- by a machine.
the other woman asks, in barely more than a whisper, "do you think god listens to these machines?
and we are suposed to trust these guys with our lives?
and we are suposed to trust these guys with our lives?
and we are suposed to trust these guys with our lives?
(that is, doubts).
in margaret atwood's "the handmaid's tale", a futuristic story of life inside a repressive, abusive big brother-style society tightly controlled by religious fundamentalists, there's a passage in which the protagonist is alone with another woman at a state-controlled centre where prayers are generated -- then printed out and read out -- by a machine.
the other woman asks, in barely more than a whisper, "do you think god listens to these machines?
Thx FayeDunaway! Very interesting what she had to say.... pretty scary to realize the patterns in history, and as Margaret pointed out "how fast it can happen".....
If you are going to be the Only True Religlion, you need to 'get rid of your opposers,' and..... essentially, kill them..... or DF them... Right?
Sounds very familiar.
ralph candelario is a jw.
he murdered his jw wife (his second wife) around january 2014 in walsenburg, colorado.
his first wife disappeared and has never been found but the jury was not permitted to know this.
thx redpilltwice..... I loved the story of James Penton, a person who stood up for "higher morals" over "Pharasaic rules"....
In regards to the 'DFing', I was wondering about Ralph Candelario, as the expert called in (James Penton) was asked about JW policies, and after reading the links Barbara provided, I see that Ralph did have previous wives, and the JW attitude about divorce would not allow him to remarry / be free for marriage, unless his spouse died or commited adultery.
Ralph's lawyer tried to argue that since Ralph had remarried before (even though he could not prove his wife had died, only disappeared) and had 'regained' his 'approved' status in the congregation (DF'd/ reinstated) killing his wife, Pamela, to remarry was no motive... BECAUSE, if he did get DF'd..... he could get 'reinstated'.... just like last time.
The intertwinings of a JW mind can be very complicated, and really, only a person who has been one (James Penton) can really explain the way the WT puts pressure on people in deep and insidious ways .
ralph candelario is a jw.
he murdered his jw wife (his second wife) around january 2014 in walsenburg, colorado.
his first wife disappeared and has never been found but the jury was not permitted to know this.
Remember this quote? We were told this over and over, right? Do JW's reallllly have a spiritual paradise?
*** w70 4/15 p. 248 Questions That People Ask About Jehovah’s Witnesses ***
What are Jehovah’s Witnesses doing to improve conditions in the community?
Thomas Jefferson, one of America’s leading presidents and statesmen, once said that the Bible makes “better citizens, better fathers, better husbands. . . . The Bible makes the best people in the world.”
This in substance is what Jehovah’s witnesses are doing by means of their Bible educational work.
They are making better fathers, better mothers, better children, in fact, the best people in the world.
Therefore the very nature of their work is a blessing to any community.At a time when the world is divided nationally, racially, economically and religiously, and is at war with itself, Jehovah’s witnesses teach law and order and respect for government. What could be more helpful to a community than that? Jehovah’s witnesses are teaching people not to steal or lie or murder, but to be honest, hardworking, just and integrity-keeping. As a result, the lives of many persons have been improved.